Friday 22 June 2012

Guys vs. Girls AND Casting in Tim Hortons!!


Just a quick rant about how crazy auditions (and especially the casting) can be. A few statistics for you (depressing if your a woman - FANTASTIC if you're a guy!!).
God I Hope I Get It!!

If we look JUST at the amount of people that came out: Approximately
1 person out of every 8 people will be cast.

However, the ratio of GUYS to GIRLS was about 
6 females to 1 male!!!! 

AND I have to cast MORE  males than females - So for men it ends up being every 
1 out of 2 males

will be cast, BUT for the women it's more like

1 out of 12 females

will get in - SO unfair!! Ladies out there -- if you don't make it in -- you are in GOOD company!!!! The talent was staggering!!


So last night, after our last round of auditions we headed to the TIM HORTONS to go through the auditionee's and determine who was going to be called back.  After determining the 'No callback' list we then decide who we would like called back and for what character. Some are called back for one role and some are called back for several different roles. We then set aside the materials that they will need for the callback (scene's & songs) and what the callback schedule will look like.

At this point I look at my clock and it's already after midnight!!! We entered around 9:45 and have already been sitting here for 2 and a 1/2 hours!!!! We need to wrap it up as all of us are exhausted and my Stage Manager realizes that the LAST Skytrain of the night will be leaving around 1am. So we wrap up as best we can (at 1 in the morning) and head out to our cars. I put the keys in my ignition, turn, and NOTHING!!! My battery is DEAD!!!

I start looking for jumper cables in the trunk (this is usually the car my husband drives) and can't find any. While I pulling all of the junk out of the trunk (hehe) a ghost cop car pulls up eyeing all the garbage on the ground. I explain that that my car wont start and I don't have jumper cables. 'Sorry - we're not allowed to carry any.' - thanks a lot Mr. Policeman!!!

While digging for the cables in the pitch black - I proceed to STAB myself with something under the seat (I find out today it was just a SHARD OF BROKEN GLASS!!!!!), so Angus goes into Timmy's to get me a band-aid and I call BCAA. Angus (my AMAZINGLY KIND friend and Footlight producer waits with me while we convene BACK in Tim Hortons with 2 sets of cops, a couple of business men with their ipads (???) and the rest of the insomniacs!

Luckily it doesn't take TOO long and around 1:30 BCAA shows up, insults the 'state' of my battery and sends me on my way. The last kick in the pants was my regular exit on the freeway being closed so I am FORCED to go over the Port Mann bridge to SURREY!!! Quite the detour.

Needless to say, I was warm, snug in my bed at a respectable 'theatre brat' time of 3am!!

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