Wednesday 27 June 2012

An ODE to the Auditionee's!

I wanted to make sure (before I wrote this post) that I was using the word 'ODE' correctly. I Googled it, and this is what I found: "A lyrical verse written in praise of, or dedicated to someone or something which captures the poet's interest or serves as an inspiration for the ode."

PERFECT! I thought to myself. That is EXACTLY what I am feeling! After my 1st round of auditions (over 18 hours) and callbacks (over 14 hours) - I feel the need to 'praise' the performers who auditioned and somehow honour and express how their bravery and passions inspired me!  Their actions now 'serve as an inspiration for (this) ode'!

This is an ode dedicated to and inspired by those who came out to audition for me!

No Guts? No Glory.
But what of the battles
With victories too difficult to measure?
Those who part with the sweet knowing
Confidence measured by the stride of the step.
What of the brave who venture into the unknown?
Experiencing the exhilaration of a song unsung
A vision now reality.
Most beautifully - the free and easy voice
Unleashed to sting,
And bring tears...
An inspired, captivated audience
Watches as hard work evolves
To passion and desire
Creating fire.
Victory. Immeasurable.

Thank you so much to all of you who came out to the auditions.
Please know that I admire you in every way REGARDLESS of the outcome!

Friday 22 June 2012

Guys vs. Girls AND Casting in Tim Hortons!!


Just a quick rant about how crazy auditions (and especially the casting) can be. A few statistics for you (depressing if your a woman - FANTASTIC if you're a guy!!).
God I Hope I Get It!!

If we look JUST at the amount of people that came out: Approximately
1 person out of every 8 people will be cast.

However, the ratio of GUYS to GIRLS was about 
6 females to 1 male!!!! 

AND I have to cast MORE  males than females - So for men it ends up being every 
1 out of 2 males

will be cast, BUT for the women it's more like

1 out of 12 females

will get in - SO unfair!! Ladies out there -- if you don't make it in -- you are in GOOD company!!!! The talent was staggering!!


So last night, after our last round of auditions we headed to the TIM HORTONS to go through the auditionee's and determine who was going to be called back.  After determining the 'No callback' list we then decide who we would like called back and for what character. Some are called back for one role and some are called back for several different roles. We then set aside the materials that they will need for the callback (scene's & songs) and what the callback schedule will look like.

At this point I look at my clock and it's already after midnight!!! We entered around 9:45 and have already been sitting here for 2 and a 1/2 hours!!!! We need to wrap it up as all of us are exhausted and my Stage Manager realizes that the LAST Skytrain of the night will be leaving around 1am. So we wrap up as best we can (at 1 in the morning) and head out to our cars. I put the keys in my ignition, turn, and NOTHING!!! My battery is DEAD!!!

I start looking for jumper cables in the trunk (this is usually the car my husband drives) and can't find any. While I pulling all of the junk out of the trunk (hehe) a ghost cop car pulls up eyeing all the garbage on the ground. I explain that that my car wont start and I don't have jumper cables. 'Sorry - we're not allowed to carry any.' - thanks a lot Mr. Policeman!!!

While digging for the cables in the pitch black - I proceed to STAB myself with something under the seat (I find out today it was just a SHARD OF BROKEN GLASS!!!!!), so Angus goes into Timmy's to get me a band-aid and I call BCAA. Angus (my AMAZINGLY KIND friend and Footlight producer waits with me while we convene BACK in Tim Hortons with 2 sets of cops, a couple of business men with their ipads (???) and the rest of the insomniacs!

Luckily it doesn't take TOO long and around 1:30 BCAA shows up, insults the 'state' of my battery and sends me on my way. The last kick in the pants was my regular exit on the freeway being closed so I am FORCED to go over the Port Mann bridge to SURREY!!! Quite the detour.

Needless to say, I was warm, snug in my bed at a respectable 'theatre brat' time of 3am!!

Monday 11 June 2012

My Only DEEP Thought About GREASE!

GREASE is not known for it's depth! It doesn't tackle difficult subjects like the French Revolution, poverty, religion or being green! It's silly, fun, and leaves you in a great mood! But believe it or not - that wasn't always the case!

Children Ages 6-10 perform 'Grease' at a school in the US
      Over the years, GREASE has been subjected to 'clean ups' and revisions in order to make it more palatable for the mainstream and more suitable for young people.
 (it is currently the TOP show requested & licensed to high-schools in the USA).
 Along the way, it lost the respect of 'serious' theatre aficionados - those who believe the art form of theatre should be used to provoke thought and push boundaries. 
Photo from original production (1971)
          However, forty years ago, GREASE was cutting edge theatre. When it first opened in an old trolley barn down-town Chicago it was hailed as  '...a raunchy, raw, aggressive, vulgar show.'[1]  It was NOT a show ever intended for children, or even teenagers.

         As I was researching the original writers (Jim Jacobs & Warren Casey), and the history behind GREASE, I came across this book: Recycled Culture in Contemporary Art and Film (see photo). I thought it was interesting and worth sharing. Here is a brief summary of the chapter that deals with GREASE: 

"... Dika specifically examines Grease and how nostalgia is particularly utilized in the film. Dika makes a novel observation by claiming that Grease in fact combines the liberated sexuality of the 1960’s with the nostalgic innocence of the 1950’s. Dika realizes that this argument seems contradictory in that the sexual morals of the 1950’s were completely opposite from those of the 1960’s... Dika states that the film tries to restabilize itself by returning to the classical musical genre and taking on the form of other 50’s musicals. Grease was released during a time in which the past seemed like a much safer time. Dika suggests that may be a reason as to why older actors and actresses were used to represent high school kids. The older audiences could identify more easily with the older actors, while the younger audience could still relate to the adolescent situations. Dika believes the Grease exploits certain nostalgic elements of a simpler time, but employs a later decade’s morals to more deeply involve its target audience."

By far, my favourite quote from the chapter is:
"What are the implications of being told that the word "grease" has "groove," that it has "meaning"? At first this may seem like a completely nonsensical claim, unless we begin to look at the word associatively and metonymically." 

HELP me look at the word GREASE metonymically, would ya'?!!!!
What are YOUR deep thoughts about GREASE?

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Grease has ALWAYS been the word!

Who am I?
My name is Lalainia Lindbjerg Strelau (a ridiculous tongue twistor of a name, I know) and I am directing/choreographing 'Grease' for Footlight Theatre Company, which will be performed at the Michael J. Fox Theatre (Burnaby) in November 2012.

What's this about?
This is going to be a 'blog' following my experience.

Why Grease?
Grease is a project near and dear to my heart. Right from the time when I was three years old and my babysitter took me to the (completely inappropriate) movie - I was hooked. Apparently it had me doing cartwheels in front of the audience (there used to be small stages in front of the screen) right at the movie theatre!

I also remember watching my big sister getting to dress up as 'cool Sandy' for Halloween. She was 8 or 9 and because of the chilly Vancouver weather our Mom forced her wear a pink turtle neck under the classic off the shoulder top - she was not pleased! But my dream of getting to dress up just like my big sister and belt out the heartfelt 'Hopelessly Devoted' was not squashed by the unsightly turtleneck - it was enhanced!

Luckily my hearts desire to play the good girl who turns cool was realized in the year 2000 down at Theatre Under the Stars. Not only did I get to play Sandy, but my husband played Danny & my sister played Rizzo! I still remember the absolutely magical moment of singing 'Summer Nights' while the tangerine rays of the sun setting shone onto the stage as a perfect spotlight. Ahhhhh... theatre!

I was also given an amazing opportunity to direct Grease six years later in 2006. I had an AMAZING cast, 2 fantastic choreographers (Kevin Tookey & Alex Pesusich), a great musical director (Jim Bryson) & band. Crewing the show proved a bit of a challenge - but we made it happen. It was a BLAST!!

Why blog about Grease 2012?
So now - here I am directing the show again and beginning the process all over again!

Often I begin a project by researching. I become completely obsessed. Bombarding myself with images, video's, history, interviews, music, etc. Spending any spare time (which I have to admit, is not a lot) trying to capture or inspire myself to create the best show possible.

Then I begin the casting process, which leads to rehearsals, which leads to tech week, which leads to performances which leads to a HUGE sigh of relief as my job is completed. But I've realized that I get so busy, so focused, so 'in the moment' that I often don't have too many recollections of the process I just went through. That's pretty scary considering I will often spend upward of 7 months on a project!

So - I've decided to 'blog' about my experience of Directing/Choreographing 'Grease' for Footlight Theatre. That way I can actually look back when I am finished and read about my experience. Why blog about it? To be honest - the theatre world is SO full of craziness I figured it may end up mildly entertaining - so why not share it with the rest of the world! We could all use a bit of a laugh now and then!

So hopefully you'll enjoy. Stay tuned in - and look forward to reading.